Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How to Build Muscle Fast ? Chapter 1 | fat burning workouts


How to Build?Muscle Fast

Chapter 1


Why Exercise with Weights


Far too many people overlook the many health and?fitness benefits that weight training has to offer,?and because of this, experience problems down the?road such as decreased bone density, a slowed?metabolic rate, increased stress levels and other?negative consequences that are associated with?constant stress.


Numerous studies have demonstrated that regular?weight training can have a positive effect on health?by showing reductions in the rate of insulin?resistance, blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease,?and even cancer.
If you couple a solid weight training program with a?well-thought out diet, you?ll be putting your best?foot forward at warding off these chronic problems
Increased Bone Density?- Weight lifting will?increase your bone density and help ward off?osteoporosis or stress fractures in the future.
Many people think running is the best exercise for?increasing bone density, but running actually?promotes muscle breakdown, while weight lifting,?being an anabolic process, helps to promote the?building of tissues and therefore is much better at?preserving your bone mass.
Decreased Frequency of Injuries?- When you?strength train, not only are your muscles going to?get stronger, but you?ll also work the ligaments and?tendons that are connecting bones, muscles, and?other tissues, thus reducing the chance they?become injured when participating in other physical?activities.
In about 80% of all sports injury cases, the injury is?a direct result of a tendon, ligament, or muscle not?being strong enough when a stressful force is?applied.
Since weight training hits all those deep tendons?and ligaments, it?s the best injury prevention out?there.
Prevention of Fat Gain?- The more you weight lift,?the higher your metabolism will be, thus the more?food you can eat while maintaining your weight.
Having said that, it should be understood that using?a muscle building program will not of it?s own make?you big and bulky.
It?s not just about the way you train, but more?about the way you eat ? calories must be supplied?for the growth process to take place.
Likewise, you can workout all you want, but if those?building blocks ? in the form of amino acids,?carbohydrates, and dietary fats are not there, you?aren?t going to see too much muscle growth.


So, just because you?re weight lifting, it does not?mean you will end up with bulky muscles as a?result. Many people make this incorrect assumption?? but it really is the diet that makes all the?difference in how this weight lifting will shape your?body.



next article:?Chapter 2 -?Find the right gym


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