Monday, July 15, 2013

Nissan to unveil Datsun in India in cheap-car push

BEIJING/MUMBAI: Nissan takes the veil off the first car in its resurrected Datsun brand in New Delhi tomorrow, a sub-400,000 rupee (RM21,000) hatchback that is part of a foray by the Japanese auto maker into cheap cars for emerging markets.

With the Datsun hatchback and other Datsun models to follow over the next three years one of which could be priced as low as US$4,000 (RM12,400) if Nissan can meet its aggressive manufacturing cost objectives Nissan is treading ever so closer to the ultra-low-cost car market.

That market in India is now famously occupied by the Tata Nano, a barebones car that retails for between 150,000 and 220,000 rupees (RM11,666).

"We try to keep the price positioning for Datsun competitive, so that products are appealing" to the lower half of the auto market in India where Nissan has few products competing today, Nissan's programme director for Datsun, Ashwani Gupta, said in an interview.

It is a move that has been generally resisted so far by other global auto giants, such as Toyota Motor Corp., out of concern a scruffy, ultra-cheap car model could tarnish their high-value brands.

Top Toyota executives, including current chairman Takeshi Uchiyamada, rejected a chief engineer's design for a low-cost emerging market car several years ago, saying it was too cheap to be called a Toyota, an engineering executive said.

The car has since undergone some design iterations and was finally launched in India in 2010 as the Toyota Etios sedan, which starts at 545,000 rupees (RM29,000).

A hatchback version of the car, launched in 2011, starts at about 450,000 rupees (RM24,000).

Since Nissan plans to market Datsun cars in India through its existing Nissan-branded dealerships, Datsun could expose the Japanese auto maker to similar risks, though executives downplay the possibility.

They say use of a separate brand name should effectively shield Nissan's brand image.

Datsun, which Nissan once used for its cars outside Japan, has a history dating back to the 1930s.

"We're serving different customers" with Datsun, said Tatjana Natarova, a Datsun spokesman.

"That's why we came up with a different brand."

To make Datsun cars affordable, Nissan has been aiming to reduce manufacturing costs to US$3,000 to US$5,000 (RM9,300 to RM15,500) per vehicle.

The first car is due for a launch in India early next year and Gupta said the company has partially achieved the cost goals.

Still, as price-competitive as that may be, it will face formidable competition from Maruti Suzuki and Hyundai Motor Co, which together control two-thirds of India's passenger car market, excluding SUVs and vans.

Maruti has about 1,200 retail stores in India, while Hyundai operates a network of more than 350 stores.

Nissan, by contrast, has only about 100 dealers, though it says it plans to triple the number of its stores to 300 by March 2017.

Nissan said last year it would revive the Datsun name as a marquee for emerging markets, starting with India, Russia and Indonesia.

Eventually, it wants to expand into Southeast Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. To make the new name stick, Nissan does not plan to stop with a sub-400,000-rupee car.

It plans to expand the Datsun brand's appeal by following its first car with a second model by the end of next year and a third vehicle by 2016.

Nissan is still trying to meet the goal of producing a Datsun car for as little as US$3,000 per vehicle, said an executive speaking on condition of anonymity.

"If we met that, there would be a good possibility we could offer the car for US$4,000 on the retail market," the executive said.

That is not as cheap as the Nano, but Nissan is not aiming to compete head-on with the Nano any way, the executive said.

By the year ending March 2017, Nissan wants to capture 10 percent of India's overall passenger vehicle market that includes sedans, sport-utility vehicles and vans.

Nissan had a market share of less than 1 percent as of May, data from the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers shows.

By then, Datsun aims to generate one third to a half of overall sales in India, which bought 2.7 million passenger vehicles in the year ended March 2013, Gupta said.

To achieve low manufacturing costs, the Datsun product team designed and engineered cars so that "nearly all" the components needed to build them could be procured within India, Gupta said.

India has a relatively limited auto parts supply base so procuring almost all the necessary components locally poses a challenge.

Gupta said though that Nissan aims to pull off the feat not only in India, but in Indonesia and Russia as well.

Gupta said Datsun cars would be stripped of features and functions that do not offer "value" to customers in markets they target to make cars affordable.

Nissan thus will likely avoid developing new technology.

Instead, it will use tried technology, in particular vehicle underpinnings, engines and transmissions, which are costly to develop.

It is also likely to pare down expensive features such as power windows, navigation systems, and extra safety airbags.



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Mandela situation sparks end-of-life discussions

JOHANNESBURG (AP) ? Sean Davison's mother, a doctor, knew she faced an impending, painful death from cancer. Not willing to endure it, she chose to end her life by not eating. That attempt, Davison said, went terribly wrong.

"It went on for five weeks drinking a glass of water each day," said Davison, a South African citizen by way of New Zealand. "She was decomposing. She couldn't move any limb of her body, which is when I helped her, at her request, to end her life."

End-of-life decisions have become a burning topic of discussion in South Africa, where former President Nelson Mandela has been hospitalized for five weeks, much of that time in critical condition.

A court filing late last month stated that Mandela was in a "permanent vegetative state" but that appears to have been either exaggerated or simply incorrect.

A report from the Mail and Guardian, a respected South African newspaper, said that the 94-year-old does not have a living will, meaning tricky end-of-life decisions could be left to a very fractured Mandela family.

Mandela's wife ? his third ? said Friday she is "less anxious" about the health of South Africa's first black president than she was a week ago. "He continues to respond positively to treatment," said Graca Machel.

Friends and family who have visited Mandela say he is responsive and they feel he is communicative through facial and eye movements. But he being assisted by mechanical breathing, medical support he may require for the rest of his life. That means delicate decisions may still have to be made.

Ahmed Kathrada, a close friend of Mandela's and a fellow anti-apartheid leader, said after a recent hospital visit that Mandela is a "shell" of his former self.

The legalities of end-of-life decisions ? including terminal pain management and the withholding of life-saving treatment ? are murky in South Africa, said Willem Landman, the executive director of the Ethics Institute of South Africa, who wrote in a 2012 paper that the law requires greater clarity.

"Ultimately, at issue here is the suffering of people in the end stage of life," Landman wrote. His paper argued that South Africa should decriminalize assisted dying for the terminally ill and asks whether creating such a law is consistent with or even required by South Africa's constitution.

South Africa's National Health Act of 2003 says that health services may not be provided to a patient without that person's informed consent unless the patient is unable to do so. If no person has been appointed, then consent can be granted in Mandela's case by a spouse or an adult child, in that order.

Mandela when president commissioned a government report and draft bill on assisted dying in 1998, said Davison, who is also founder of DignitySA, a group working to pass a law giving the right to terminally ill people to end their own lives. The bill was presented to parliament, but the legal body took no action.

"I would speculate that he believed in the concept or that he believed the concept should be debated," Davison said.

"It's a taboo subject for many. Homosexuality, abortions, AIDS, drug abuse ? these subjects are no longer taboo. They are dinner table discussions, and hopefully death and dying will equally be discussed around the dinner table one day," he said.

Helena Dolny, a banking executive, watched her husband, Joe Slovo, one of Mandela's Cabinet ministers and a leading member of Mandela's party, the African National Congress, die a slow death from cancer. Dolny is writing a three-part series in the Johannesburg paper City Press called "Let's talk about dying." She wrote that Mandela is giving South Africa a "precious parting gift" by spurring a conversation about death.

"I think this is one of the most awful times any family has to bear ? watching the slow ebbing away of life from the person you love so much," she said.

Davison's mother was 85 and terminally ill when Davison helped her die. He was arrested, charged and eventually pleaded guilty to a charge of assisted suicide. He was sentenced to five months of house arrest in New Zealand. His wife and two children remained in South Africa.

DignitySA, which is attracting audiences of hundreds of people to end-of-life discussions, is recruiting high-profile patrons and has a three-year strategy to persuade a member of parliament to table a bill and open it to public debate. Davison said he's heard from many families where elderly grandparents or parents are on life support but nothing was ever put in writing about their wishes in the situation.

"You and I probably think the same thing and we think we'll put it in writing one day, but we don't," Davison said, who referred to Mandela by his clan name, Madiba. "(Former Israeli Prime Minister) Ariel Sharon has been on life support for seven or eight years and we've kind of forgotten about him ... Theoretically Madiba could be on life support for a very long time."


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PHOTO: Auburn SID prints game notes for his wedding

By Tom Fornelli | College Football Writer

You know those little factoids that beat reporters and writers are prone to tweet during a college football game on Saturday? Well, as hard as it might be for you to believe, but those aren't things that we actually know. If we were really that smart, we'd probably be doing something else with our lives.

No, those tidbits usually come from SIDs (sports information directors). Along with their in-game duties, SIDs also put together game notes for the media before each game, and Auburn's assistant SID, Wes Todd, decided he'd put his game-notes abilities to use outside of work as well.

Yes, that's right. Wedding notes. Everything from background info on the couple, to a roster of the wedding party. Pretty great stuff if you ask me and much better than your typical wedding program.

Eye on College Football is maintained by the four handsomest men to ever handsome: Tom Fornelli, Jerry Hinnen, Chris Huston, and Chip Patterson. Follow Eye on College Football on Twitter, discover the meaning of life.

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6sec Vine app now in the Windows Phone Store

As promised, the 3rd party Vine client 6sec is now available to download in the Windows Phone Store.

The free app by Rudy Huyn is the only full Vine client app, including upload feature, for Windows Phone.

The app lets users:6secqr

  • Find, follow, and interact with people close to you.
  • Explore trending posts, featured hashtags and channels.
  • Search Vines using hashtags.
  • Share Vines to Twitter and Facebook.

The app is a free download, but in its free state is only a viewer.? An in-app purchase will activate the ability to upload videos, needed due to the cost of servers to transcode the video.

The app can be found in the Windows Phone Store here.


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when buying a foreclosure, do you still have to have ... - Zillow Real ...

If you buy a foreclosure, then it will be at the public auction which does not allow loans and requires cash.

More than likely you are talking about a property that went through foreclosure in the past and it no longer correctly called a foreclosure since it is no longer in foreclosure. Someone bought it at the auction and likely the bank that had the loan on it. Now it is bank owned or a REO property. You can buy them once they are listed with a Realtor for sale just like any other home for sale. It depends on what type of loan you get that determines the min down payment.

Go see a loan officer or mortgage broker to actually find out what you can borrow, they will explain this to you.



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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Wolters Ready To Play In NBA Summer League


Former Jackrabbit Nate Wolters begins his career in the NBA Saturday, after leading South Dakota State to the big dance two years in a row.

Saturday evening, Wolters hits the hardwood in the NBA Summer League for the first time with the Milwaukee Bucks.

Wolters and the Milwaukee Bucks face the Denver Nuggets at 9 p.m. at the Cox Pavilion on the campus of UNLV.

Players got a chance to familiarize themselves with the facility Saturday morning in the team's shootaround. Taken by the Bucks with the 38th pick in last month's NBA draft, Wolters should get plenty of opportunities to lead the team Saturday evening. He spent much of the day's practice taking the team through different plays called by the coaches.

While he's getting used to a lot of new faces, Wolters says he's getting the hang of things so far.

"It should be a lot of fun. First game. We had a couple practices with the coaches and the coaching staff and everything. It's been good to get comfortable with them and the other players. Looking forward to playing some games," Wolters said.

Wolters spent part of practice getting fed by Nick Van Exel and knocking down shots.

? 2013 KELOLAND TV. All Rights Reserved.


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Finally there's evidence that we're embracing energy innovation

GigaOM writes, Advancements in distributed and clean energy technologies are redefining the provision of safe, reliable, and cost-effective service within the electric utility industry. New business models are emerging to challenge the utility-dominated archetype of the past century. But the debate over how to manage the transition to a new normal is just beginning. It is going to take a?combination of political will and smart policy to avoid stifling innovation and progress. At the end of last month, President Obama announced an energy plan that included sweeping initiatives to manage carbon emissions,?

Continue reading Finally there?s evidence that we?re embracing energy innovation at GigaOM


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RolePlayGateway is proudly powered by obscene amounts of caffeine, duct tape, and support from people like you. It operates under a "don't like it, suggest an improvement" platform, and we gladly take suggestions for improvements or changes.

The custom-built "roleplay" system was designed and implemented by Eric Martindale as of July 2009. All attempts to replicate or otherwise emulate this system and its method of organizing roleplay are strictly prohibited without his express written and contractual permission; violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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Is Personal Bankruptcy The Right Choice For Me? - Homesoon ...

Nobody is enthusiastic about filing for bankruptcy, but sometimes it is simply the right financial choice. Going into this situation is best served when you are armed with some good ideas and insights about what is going to be involved. Keep reading for tips and advice from those with personal bankruptcy experience.

You should check with the personal bankruptcy resources available online to educate yourself thoroughly before you begin the process. The United States Department of Justice, NACBA, and American Bankruptcy Institute websites are all great places to go for up-to-date information. The more you know about it, the better you are able to make the best decision for your situation and to make sure that the bankruptcy proceedings move forward with minimal setbacks.

If you are thinking about paying off your tax obligations with a credit card and then filing bankruptcy, think again. Generally speaking, taxes are not a dischargeable debt. The delays caused by this sort of tactic could leave you owing the IRS a great deal in interest and penalties. A common rule is that dischargeable tax means dischargeable debt. This means using a credit card is not necessary, when it will just be discharged.

Tips It is essential when going through bankruptcy that all of your income and assets are reported openly and honestly. You must avoid the temptation to conceal any valuables, money or other assets from the courts.

When you feel certain that you must file for personal bankruptcy, refrain from squandering your life savings to pay off unsecured debt. You should always keep money saved for worse times. If you do have to dig into your savings, make sure that you leave enough to sustain you and your family for a couple of months.

When you document your financial records, it is vital that you are 100% truthful in order to have a successful resolution to your bankruptcy process. You can lose the right to file bankruptcy now or in the future if you try to withhold information about your assets and income. So it is critical that you disclose everything honestly to to avoid that and any other penalties the trustee might impose if he discovered your attempt to hide information from the court.

After a bankruptcy, you may not be able to receive any credit cards. If you find that to be the situation, consider requesting secured cards. Using a secured card not only helps to rebuild your credit, but it also keeps you from going more in debt with credit card bills. In time, it may be possible for you to obtain unsecured cards.

Tips Don?t avoid telling your lawyer specific details with your case. Never assume that they can remember all details without reminders.

It is important to understand your rights when filing bankruptcy. You can often have property returned to you. Autos, jewelry and even electronics that have been repossessed, could be returned. If your personal property was repossessed within 90 days before your bankruptcy filing, you may have a chance of getting it back. Interview and research attorneys before choosing one to help you with your bankruptcy.

Before pulling the trigger on bankruptcy, be sure that other solutions aren?t more appropriate for your case. If your debts are really not overwhelming, you may find the assistance you need by consulting a consumer credit counselor. You may have luck negotiating lower payments by dealing directly with creditors, but be sure to document any get and new agreement terms in writing from each creditor.

Declaring bankruptcy is not something most people aspire to, but can be unavoidable. Now that you have read through this article, you should be familiar with a lot of tips from people who were once in your shoes. You will feel more relaxed about your own path when you learn from people who traveled it before you did.

Tips If possible obtain a personal recommendation for a bankruptcy lawyer instead of randomly choosing one. There are so many dime-a-dozen companies out there who make it a practice of preying on financial desperation.


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Report: O'Brien, Penn St. discuss 'potential proposal' to NCAA

By Jerry Hinnen | College Football Writer

Bill O'Brien met with Penn State trustees Friday. (USATSI)
Bill O'Brien met with Penn State trustees Friday. (USATSI)
It's hardly a secret that very, very few people in and around Penn State are happy with the NCAA's unprecedented sanctions against the Nittany Lions in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky abuse scandal. But officially, the school has -- to-date -- accepted the NCAA's decision and made no effort to reduce the sanctions.

Could that stance be changing? The Centre Daily Times reported that coach Bill O'Brien met with Penn State trustees for a private presentation Friday, one that included computer slides visible to the Daily Times reporter through "several full-length, glass-paned doors into the room where the session was held."

One of the slides bore the heading "potential proposal to modify sanctions."

Another detailed the impact of the NCAA's scholarship reductions. Another, per the Daily Times, emphasized that "Individual lawsuits do not help us!" with the words 'do not' underlined and in capital letters."

The family of the late Joe Paterno has sued the NCAA and president Mark Emmert in an effort to overturn the sanctions, which include the vacation of 111 of Paterno's wins at Penn State. Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett's similar suit was dismissed by a judge in June.

Neither O'Brien nor any of the trustees commented on the presentation after the meeting adjourned.

The NCAA said last August that the penalties were not subject to appeal, though that did not stop trustee Ryan McCombie, present at Friday's meeting, from sending a letter to the NCAA stating his intent to file an appeal all the same. Trustee Alvin Clemens said in February that the university's governing board would need to review the findings of its commissioned Freeh Report, which was used as the basis for the NCAA's sanctions.

Another trustee, Paul Silvis, told the Daily Times in March that he hoped the NCAA would roll back some of the sanctions after seeing the progress made by the school in the wake of the scandal. The NCAA handed Penn State a four-year bowl ban, stripped it of 40 scholarships and fined the school $60 million.

O'Brien was asked in May if he thought the sanctions would be reduced.

"I believe that's a question for somebody other than me," the coach told reporters at a Penn State caravan stop in New York. "I'm playing under these rules. I think that's a question for our administration or NCAA itself. My answer would be no, but that question would be for somebody else." writer Dennis Dodd contributed to this report.

Eye on College Football is maintained by the four handsomest men to ever handsome: Tom Fornelli, Jerry Hinnen, Chris Huston, and Chip Patterson. Follow Eye on College Football on Twitter, discover the meaning of life.

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Snowden asks to stay in Russia until path to Latin America opens

In exchange, the former NSA contractor says he will not release any more US secrets.

By Fred Weir,?Correspondent / July 12, 2013

Journalists gather around Genri Reznik, a prominent lawyer and head of the Moscow bar association, at Sheremetyevo airport outside Moscow on Friday. Mr. Reznik was one of several human rights officials and lawyers who met with former NSA contractor Edward Snowden Friday. Mr. Snowden announced he is seeking temporary asylum in Russia until he is able to travel to Latin America.

Alexander Zemlianichenko/AP


Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, who's been an unseen presence in Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport for almost three weeks now, suddenly went public Friday to ask Russian human rights activists for assistance in gaining temporary asylum in Russia.

Skip to next paragraph Fred Weir


Fred Weir has been the Monitor's Moscow correspondent, covering Russia and the former Soviet Union, since 1998.?

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Among the dozen human rights leaders who met Mr. Snowden behind closed doors were Amnesty International's Sergei Nikitin and Human Rights Watch's Tanya Lokshina, some of whom forwarded information to journalists via Twitter and Facebook about the meeting's progress. Vladimir Lukin, Russia's presidential human rights ombudsman, and Genri Reznik, a prominent lawyer, also attended.

A photograph of the meeting, published by Ms. Lokshina, shows a gaunt but healthy-looking Snowden sitting at a desk with Ms. Lokshina and other human rights workers.

"I have been made stateless and hounded for my act of political expression," Snowden said. According to the reports, Snowden said that he is prepared to accept Russian President Vladimir Putin's condition that he may remain in Russia, but only if he stops "hurting our American partners" with damaging leaks of secret national security documents.

"Snowden said that he plans to seek temporary asylum in Russia, then go somewhere in Latin America eventually. On a personal note he said living conditions at the airport were fine, and that he feels safe," Lokshina posted on the HRW website.

He reportedly asked the Russian human rights workers to assist him in convincing Russian authorities to grant him refuge, adding that "no actions I take or plan are meant to harm the US." In fact, he reportedly added, "I want the US to succeed."

Russia has been visibly ambivalent about Snowden's presence in Moscow. On one hand the fugitive former CIA employee has been embraced by large numbers of Russians, including many parliamentarians, who see him as a hero who's ripped away the US mask of democracy and freedom and exposed the underlying reality of globe-spanning duplicity.

On the other hand, the Kremlin has held him at arm's length and top officials, including Mr. Putin, have urged him to move along as quickly as possible. A former KGB agent, Putin's distaste for an idealist who proclaims the goal of total information transparency and, by his own account, refuses to work with any intelligence agencies, has been difficult to conceal.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Friday that no fresh appeal for asylum from Snowden had yet been received.

But Mr. Peskov told journalists that if Putin's conditions are met, Snowden would probably be welcome to remain in Russia.

"Snowden, by sincere conviction or for some other reason, considers himself to be a human rights activist, a fighter for the ideals of democracy and human freedom. Russian human rights activists and organizations, as well as their colleagues abroad acknowledge this. For this reason, extraditing Snowden to a country like the US where capital punishment is enforced is impossible," the English-language Kremlin-funded TV network RT quoted Peskov as saying.

In a letter released to the media Friday, Snowden hailed the small group of Latin American nations that have offered to give him asylum ? Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua ? but said he was not able to accept any of them due to US efforts to block his ability to travel.

"Unfortunately, in recent weeks we have witnessed an unlawful campaign by officials in the U.S. Government to deny my right to seek and enjoy this asylum under Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The scale of threatening behavior is without precedent: never before in history have states conspired to force to the ground a sovereign President's plane to effect a search for a political refugee. This dangerous escalation represents a threat not just to the dignity of Latin America or my own personal security, but to the basic right shared by every living person to live free from persecution," Snowden wrote.

In a longer statement, published by WikiLeaks on Friday, Snowden added that he would attempt to stay in Russia until a safe path to Latin America becomes open.

"[The] willingness by powerful states to act extra-legally represents a threat to all of us, and must not be allowed to succeed. Accordingly, I ask for your assistance in requesting guarantees of safe passage from the relevant nations in securing my travel to Latin America, as well as requesting asylum in Russia until such time as these states accede to law and my legal travel is permitted. I will be submitting my request to Russia today, and hope it will be accepted favorably," he said.


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Man Pleads Guilty to Mail Fraud in Case Related to Conviction of Former University Medical Center Vice President Greg Bruce

??Man Pleads Guilty to Mail Fraud in Case Related to Conviction of Former University Medical Center Vice President Greg Bruce

LUBBOCK, TX?Rodolfo Reyes Mata, aka Rudy Mata, 40, of San Antonio, Texas, appeared this morning in federal court before United States District Judge Sam R Cummings and pleaded guilty to an information charging one count of mail fraud and aiding abetting. Mata, who will remain on bond, faces a maximum statutory penalty of 20 years in federal prison, a $250,000 fine, and restitution. Judge Cummings ordered a presentence investigative report with a sentencing date to be set upon the completion of that report. Today?s announcement was made by United States Attorney Sarah R Salda?a of the Northern District of Texas.

From November 2010 through September 2011, Mata submitted 15 false and fraudulent invoices to UMC for ATAM Technology Solutions, knowing that the submission of such invoices would cause UMC to pay the invoices by mailing checks to addresses listed. During the scheme, according to plea papers filed in Mata?s case, Mata and his friend, Robert Gregory Bruce, the former vice president of University Medical Center, caused UMC to pay approximately $54,750 to ATAM Technology Solutions for goods and services that were not provided. ATAM Technology Solutions, according to the factual resume filed in the case, was in fact, an alter ego of Mata. Mata used these funds for personal living expenses, educational expenses, and travel and entertainment expenses.

Bruce pleaded guilty last month to a similar offense. In documents filed in Bruce?s case, he admitted that from June 2007 to December 12, 2011, he conspired with Mata to submit false and fraudulent invoices for two companies, BR. Media Monitoring (an alter ego of Bruce) and ATAM Technology Solutions, knowing that the submission of such invoices would cause UMC to pay the fake invoices. Over the course of the conspiracy, UMC paid approximately $681,908 on invoices for fake companies that did not provide goods or services as described in the invoices.

According to plea papers filed, Bruce used these funds, in part, to pay Mata?s personal living expenses, educational expenses, and travel and entertainment expenses. The cases are being investigated by the FBI. Assistant United States Attorney Amanda R Burch is in charge of the prosecutions.

Reported by: FBI

Published on: 2013-07-13

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BREAKING Ex-Penn State president Graham Spanier files libel suit

Ex-Penn State president Graham Spanier files libel suit
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HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) -- Penn State's former president Graham Spanier initiated a libel and defamation case Thursday against Louis Freeh, the former FBI director who a year ago produced a report for the school that was highly critical of Spanier's role in the child sex abuse scandal involving longtime assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky.
Paperwork filed in Centre County, where the school is located, disclosed little about the nature of his claims but checked off a box on a court system form that described the case as "slander/libel/defamation.''

The filing was made one day before the one-year anniversary of Freeh's report, which concluded that Spanier, late coach Joe Paterno and other high-ranking Penn State administrators failed to protect children against Sandusky. Under Pennsylvania law, those who believe they have been libeled or defamed have a year to initiate a civil lawsuit.

Calls and emails seeking comment from Freeh and from Spanier lawyer Elizabeth Ainslie were not returned. Along with Freeh, the paperwork also names as a defendant the law firm where Freeh works.

The Freeh report said Spanier told Freeh's investigators that he never heard anyone say Sandusky was sexually abusing children. But Freeh wrote it was more reasonable to conclude that Spanier, Paterno, athletic director Tim Curley and vice president Gary Schultz "repeatedly concealed critical facts relating to Sandusky's child abuse from the authorities, the university's board of trustees, the Penn State community and the public at large.''

Curley, who was placed on leave to serve out his contract, and Schultz, now retired, were both charged in November 2011, when Sandusky was arrested, and accused of perjury and failure to properly report suspected abuse.

Spanier was forced out as president at that time, and a year later was himself charged as part of an alleged cover-up of complaints about Sandusky. A school spokesman said Thursday Spanier remains a faculty member on administrative leave.

Paterno died of complications from lung cancer in January 2012 and was not charged with any crime. The Freeh report's scathing conclusions about the former coach was followed more than a week later by the school administration's decision to remove his statue from outside the football stadium.

Additional charges were also filed against Curley and Schultz last November, but there has not been a preliminary hearing yet because of a legal dispute about the role played in the grand jury proceedings by Cynthia Baldwin, a former state Supreme Court justice who at the time was Penn State's top lawyer.

On Tuesday, a district judge in the Harrisburg suburbs announced the preliminary hearing would be held for Spanier, Schultz and Curley starting July 29 in the county courthouse. The hearing will determine if there are grounds to forward the case to county court for trial. All three men have vigorously denied the allegations against them.
Sandusky, 69, was convicted of 45 counts of child sexual abuse, including violent attacks on boys inside school facilities, after a three-week trial last summer in which eight victims testified against him. He is serving a 30- to 60-year prison term and maintains he was wrongfully convicted. He is pursuing appeals.

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Survey: Military more popular than teachers, doctors

Servicemembers are more popular than teachers and doctors -- but perceptions of all three have dropped since 2009.

The Pew Research Center released survey results Thursday that break down how 10 professions rank in terms of their contribution to society. The military is seen as one of the highest contributing professions.

A cool 78 percent of people surveyed believe the military contributes ?a lot? to society, compared with 72 percent for teachers and 66 percent for doctors.

Other professions ranked ? listed here from most to least contributing after the three mentioned - are: scientists, engineers, clergy, artists, journalists, business executives and lawyers.

Women edged out men in believing that servicemembers contribute a lot to society - but barely, especially when the margin of error, +/-2.1 percentage points, is taken into consideration. The biggest disparity across demographic groups came ideologically, with 86 percent of Republicans saying the military contributes a lot to society, compared with 75 percent of Democrats.

There has been a slight decline in the perception of how the military contributes to society, from 84 percent in 2009 to 78 percent in 2013.

But at least it?s not as bad as journalists ? which has dropped 10 percent from 38 to 28. Yikes!

The full report from Pew Research Center is available here.?

Twitter: @mjtibbs



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Saturday, July 13, 2013

CONNIE MACK CITY TOURNAMENT; Rain forces postponement of Naa'taanii-Strike Zone Baseball game

Naa'taanii head coach Tim Campos, right, meets with umpire Dave Toledo as Friday's game with Strike Zone Baseball was postponed. (Jon Austria/The Daily Times)

FARMINGTON???Naa'taanii was out to the start it had been dreaming of for years against Strike Zone Baseball in the Connie Mack City Tournament on Friday night.

Then the game was postponed.

With Naa'taanii leading Strike Zone 3-0 after one complete inning of play, wet conditions from a rainstorm brought the game to a pause as umpires waited for grounds crew workers to find a key to unlock a shed with drying solution.

And after a nearly 30-minute delay, the umpires postponed the game to noon today.

"It is a little frustrating, but I am not going to call out anybody publicly," said Naa'taanii head coach Tim Campos. "It is just a break for (Strike Zone). We had a three-run lead, and I felt like we were ready to go. But, hey, we have a three-run lead, and we have to come out and regroup and continue to hit the ball."

Strike Zone head coach Adam Morrissey said the umpires made the decision in the interest of player safety, especially to the pitchers on the slippery mound.

"They didn't have any Quick Dry to fix up the field or anything, so we will just turn around at noon and get it going," Morrissey said. "It is good and bad, I guess. We will see how it goes."

Naa'taanii badly wanted to continue playing. Every player was up on the dugout rail embracing the weather.

"That is our team. This team is excitable. This tournament is extremely important to them. They are on a mission this year, and I just hope nothing gets in the way," Campos said.

The Naa'taanii and Strike Zone match up has become the biggest rivalry in the Connie Mack City Tournament in recent years, and no game seems to happen without incident, whether it is about rulings

Naa'taanii pitcher Caleb Prentiss is congratulated by teammates after completing the bottom of the first inning against Strike Zone Baseball on Friday at Ricketts Park. (Jon Austria/The Daily Times)

on the field or the weather.

"It is always some type of event. Every time. We have to roll with the punches and thank God for the graces he gives you and make it work," Campos said.

Strike Zone starting pitcher Jacy Cave recorded two quick outs in the top of the first inning. With a runner on second base and two outs, Naa'taanii's Nick DeArmond hit a ground ball to Strike Zone second baseman Jeremy Johnson. Johnson bobbled the ball initially and then overthrew the first baseman, allowing Naa'taanii's Roman Gonsalez to score from second.

With the inning still alive, Terrance Barela drove a double to the outfield to score DeArmond.

Cave then hit James Cordova with a pitch and walked Marvin Ortiz to load the bases, and Ryan Barreras drew another walk to bring in Barela, giving Naa'taanii its 3-0 lead.

"You can't do anything about the rain. It is going to happen and mistakes will happen," Cave said. "We just need to refocus on the whole new task at hand now."

Cave said he will be ready to pitch at noon today, but Campos said he expects Strike Zone to turn the ball over to ace Ian Doughty with the extra day of rest.

"They can throw someone else at us. They can sit back and refocus, and this is unfortunate," Campos said. "But, at the same time, we still have to come out and play hard. There is a lot of baseball left."

Both teams will now have to play two games today. Naa'taanii will face 4-Corners in the final four and Strike Zone will face the Rivercats.

The winner of the noon game won't play until 8 p.m. and the loser must play at 5:30 p.m.

"We will take a lot and see what else we have and how we realign because obviously we will have two games now. We have to adjust for that and see how it goes," Campos said.

John Livingston can be reached at; 505-564-4648. Follow him on Twitter @jlivi2.


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Was Don Mattrick Shown the Door at Microsoft?

don mattrick 620x350

On May 21st Don Mattrick stood on stage in Redmond, WA and professed to?the world?that he has never been more excited in his entire career than he was on that day. As President of the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft he was responsible for overseeing the Xbox Division and had spent the last four years cultivating one of the most anticipated hardware launches in recent memory. Less than two months later he was out of the company.

Sometimes when you bet the house on online connectivity, you lose

The timing of this is just too good to be coincidence. In the month and half between the reveal of the Xbox One and Mattrick?s departure, the Xbox One had one of the most disappointing reveals ever, incited gamer backlash over it?s DRM policy, was embarrassed at E3 by Sony, consistently lost online polls between Xbox One and PS4, lost thousands of fans, and flip-flopped on many of it?s policies that were years in the making.

One doesn?t simply leave a software giant on the eve?of its potentially groundbreaking hardware launch to head up a struggling provider of social games on mobile. Especially when he spent the last four years of his life pouring his heart and soul into it?s design. Did you see the look on Mattrick?s face at the beginning of the Xbox One reveal? This was to be his greatest achievement and he left to become the CEO of a company best known for Farmville. While the incentives from Zynga were undoubtedly generous, I highly doubt?this would have trumped his bonus at MS had the Xbox One become a success.

To say that the handling of the Xbox One reveal was botched would be generous. Mattrick created a further PR nightmare with?confusing?comments like ?If you?re backwards compatible, you?re really?backwards? or the condescending ?Fortunately, we have a product for people who aren?t able to get some form of connectivity,?it?s called Xbox 360.?? MS needed to clean house and Mattrick?was the face of the controversy. Firing him would?ve created more unnecessary bad PR and?a lingering offer from Zynga provided an easy out to an obvious disaster.

Mattrick?s leaving MS for Zynga was the best thing that could?ve happened to the Xbox One.?The ?vision? of an online?console did not work and sometimes when you bet the house on required online connectivity, you lose. This is one departure that looks best for all parties involved.

What do you think of Don Mattrick leaving MS for Zynga? Sound off in the comments below.


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Britney Spears & Sia Wrote A ?Special? Song Together | Music News ...

Well!?Britney Spears? next album era is shaping up to be better than an adventure to Smurf Village (which is really saying, since everyone knows how Britney gets?down?at Smurf Village). Now added to the list of collaborators with whom the pop superstar has been recording songs for her forthcoming LP is?Sia, who?s easily one of the best working songwriters in the game right now. (See?Rihanna?s ?Diamonds? and?David Guetta?s ?Titanium? for more on that.)

For her part, Britney described the session as ?AMAZING? (all caps!) and the song they wrote together as ?special,? which comprises all the information you could ever want to have about the song.

As Britney tweeted:

In turn, Sia tweeted (very graciously):

If someone can just keep? screaming and shouting all over whatever gorgeous pop confection they?ve cooked up, that?d be great.

[via Popjustice]


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