Monday, July 15, 2013

PHOTO: Auburn SID prints game notes for his wedding

By Tom Fornelli | College Football Writer

You know those little factoids that beat reporters and writers are prone to tweet during a college football game on Saturday? Well, as hard as it might be for you to believe, but those aren't things that we actually know. If we were really that smart, we'd probably be doing something else with our lives.

No, those tidbits usually come from SIDs (sports information directors). Along with their in-game duties, SIDs also put together game notes for the media before each game, and Auburn's assistant SID, Wes Todd, decided he'd put his game-notes abilities to use outside of work as well.

Yes, that's right. Wedding notes. Everything from background info on the couple, to a roster of the wedding party. Pretty great stuff if you ask me and much better than your typical wedding program.

Eye on College Football is maintained by the four handsomest men to ever handsome: Tom Fornelli, Jerry Hinnen, Chris Huston, and Chip Patterson. Follow Eye on College Football on Twitter, discover the meaning of life.

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