Sunday, November 18, 2012

Work continues on new church in Mayfield

MAYFIELD - The architect in charge of the construction of the new Mayfield Presbyterian Church said he expects it will open in about two or three more months.

"It's progressing very well," Jim Hundt, of Foresight Architects of Schenectady, said. "There have been no delays. We're making good progress on the project. It's moving ahead on schedule."

The church's 18th annual Quilt Show & Holiday Bazaar will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today at the Mayfield Elementary School, 80 North Main St.

Article Photos

Contractors work on the inside of the new Mayfield Presbyterian Church on Wednesday.
The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan

From left, Carol Cownie, the Mayfield Presbyterian Church?s Quilt Show & Holiday Bazaar assistant coordinator, Nancy Frank, coordinator and volunteer Julia Fitzgerald, 8, of Mayfield work Friday to set up a quilt. This quilt will be raffled off today at the show at Mayfield Elementary School.
The Leader-Herald/Bill Trojan

For 16 years, the quilt show - a fundraiser for the church - was held in the church sanctuary, with the quilts draped over the pews and multi-colored lights streaming through the stained glass windows.

However, on April 28, 2011, the steeple of the former church was struck by lightning, igniting a fire that burned down the old church.

Construction of the new church began in July. The new church will have the flexibility to seat more than 200 people. The one-story church will be 7,444 square feet and include an attic, a sanctuary and space for a fellowship hall. The building will include a nursery, two classrooms, a choir room, a small conference room, several closet spaces, a food pantry, a kitchen and offices.

Hundt said Bonnie Orth, minister of the Presbyterian Church, has been very helpful in the entire process.

"Bonnie has been very actively involved in helping keeping the project moving," Hundt said. "It's a lot of work to keep up with all the decisions that need to be made. They need to keep it in the vision of the congregation."

Faire & Fest

The Mayfield United Methodist Church also will host its Christmas Faire & Chocolate Festival from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at its 19 N. Main St. location.

Church member Sandy Aesch said members of the Mayfield United Methodist Church rely heavily on fundraisers; this festival is just as important as the rest.

However, it's a little different than the others.

"This one is more fun, though it's more involved," she said.

Aesch said the festival will have, aside from chocolate goods: vendors, Christmas ornaments, raffles and two chocolate demonstrations.

The United Methodist Church usually sees a crowd of 300 to 400 people at the event, she said, but that number increases with nicer weather.


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